For long-term gardening, soil health is key. Soil that is moist, pliable and nutrient-rich can help your plants, crops and flowers to grow. CR Brown Enterprises has created a natural organic fertilizer to boost growth and maximize health. Our product is very different from anything you would find in the stores. We make a fish fertilizer that is a natural protein fertilizer. There are no harmful ingredients in our products, neither harmful towards you or your plants.
Brown’s fish Hydrolsate has been tried and tested to back up our theory that it will enhance growth potential of plants. If you are just looking to reduce the compaction of the soil making it loose and airy, our natural organic fertilizer can do that too. Not only will the fertilizer make the plant grow, it increases color, size and quantity of flowers and crops.
On our website we show you the effects of using our organic fertilizer against using typical fertilizers. You will see the differences in size, color and quantity of crop. Due all of the nutrients packed into our fertilizer, the maturity time can often be cut down too. Taste is also intensified if you are growing fruits and vegetables.
Our fish fertilizer can be purchased in large quantity so you will have plenty to last throughout the current season and upcoming ones as well. With competitive prices and a quality product, you can’t go wrong with choosing natural protein fertilizer by CR Brown Enterprises. Feel free to read through some testimonials to see what other customers have said about our product.